What is G.A.P.S?
Gut and Physiology Syndrome and Gut and Psychology Syndrome,
GAPS is the natural treatment for healing the gut in order to address a plethora of physiological and psychological disorders. Both syndromes overlap in many areas but both can be improved and in many cases healed, by following the GAPS protocol.
The Gut and the Microbiome
The gut microbiome refers to the trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, that inhabit the digestive tract. This ecosystem plays a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and communication with the brain via the gut-brain axis.
The gut, specifically the gut lining, performs many functions, including:

Absorbing nutrients
The lining absorbs water and nutrients from food into the bloodstream.
The Gut Lining is a barrier
As part of the immune system, the gut lining acts as a barrier to stop bacteria, toxins and undigested food from getting into the bloodstream.
Hormone production
The production of hormones is carried out by cells in the stomach and small intestine. These hormones can communicate with the brain giving feelings of being hungry or full up.
Brain Communication
Nerve cells in the gut lining send signals to the brain including the health of the gut and immune system. Also chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine are produced which affect our moods and mental health.
Leaky Gut
When the single-cell gut lining becomes perforated, we commonly refer to this as a “Leaky Gut”. This allows partially digested food, toxins, and bacteria to pass through the lining into the bloodstream and leads to a multitude of maladies in the body such as:
Gut and Physiology Syndrome;
Refers to all physical conditions and illnesses under the following umbrellas :
Autoimmune conditions,
Gut/digestive problems
Hormonal problems
Neurological disease.
One cannot develop an autoimmune disorder without having abnormal gut flora or a damaged gut because gut flora is in charge of the body's immune function.
Gut and Psychology Syndrome;
when the brain becomes affected. It refers to neurological and psychiatric conditions - learning disabilities and mental illness. These include the following :
A.D.D - (Attention Deficit Disorder)
A.D.H.D - (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
When food particles seep through the damaged gut wall and into the bloodstream they may enter the blood-brain barrier causing impaired brain function. The brain-blood barrier is made up of the same kind of cells as the gut lining and its purpose is to protect against circulating toxins or pathogens. However, in GAPS, this blood-brain barrier is breached allowing in toxins and pathogens which affect brain function.
GAPS Protocol and healing looks at the body as a whole, concentrating on healing and sealing the damaged gut lining.