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BOOKS by Dr. Natahsha Campbell-McBride MD
Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Dr. Natahsha Campbell-McBride MD
This book is an essential read for any person with a GAPS condition. It is a self-help book and will take you through the treatment protocol step-by-step. It will provide you with the full guidance through the GAPS diet with essential recipes. The book is also available in many languages of the world
Put Your Heart in Your Mouth
Dr. Natahsha Campbell-McBride MD
This book will explain how heart disease develops and how to prevent and even reverse it with correct diet. It will give you full understanding of all the truths and myths about cholesterol and animal fats and their role in health and illness.
Vegetarianism Explained
Dr. Natahsha Campbell-McBride MD
Vegetarianism is becoming popular and there is a lot of confusing information about it. Should we all become vegetarian? Vegetarianism Explained by Dr Campbell-McBride will give you up to date scientific information about how plants and animal foods work in the human body and how Mother Nature intends us to feed ourselves. This book should be given as a present to anyone who is considering becoming a vegetarian or a vegan. If you care about this person, please ask them to read it first! You will find more information about it on www.vegetarianismexplained.com
Gut and Physiology Syndrome
Dr. Natahsha Campbell-McBride MD
This book completes the GAPS concept. While the first GAPS book focused on the functions of the brain, this book focuses on the rest of the body. It gives the latest information on the GAPS Nutritional Protocol, highly effective in helping people with chronic degenerative conditions, both physical and mental.
Water Filtration
Zero Water Filters vary in size, my advice would be to purchase the largest one your budget can manage.
Non-Toxic Cookware
2 Pyrex Loaf Dishes
I use these for making GAPS bread in which is introduced in Stage 4 of the protocol.
Roasting Tin with Racks - great for rendering fats
500 ml
1000 ml
Food flasks for children and adults - great for packing stews in when heading to school or work
Thermometer required for making GAPS Creme Fraiche with
Strainer used for skimming scum from GAPS stocks
Nylon Sieve for straining the kefir grains through
Large fine sieve with handles for draining stocks
Wooden spoons for stiring the kefir through the nylon sieve with
Kenwood Chef great for mixing big batches of GAPS breads.
I would recommend this one if you don't have any other kitchen appliances, as it has many attachments
Food Processor
Makes light work of slicing cabbage and veggies for ferments together with grinding nuts and seeds in the latter stages
Juicer - Required on Stage 4 of GAPS
Slow Cooker
A meal can be cooking whilst you're doing other things - good to have from the beginning of the GAPS protocol
Yoghurt Maker
Required from Stage 1 of the Protocol
Food Mixer
Great for mixing big batches of GAPS breads.
If you don't have any other appliances in your kitchen, ie - food processor, liquidiser etc, I would recommend the Kenwood Chef



Click here to purchase natural, raw, organic, pure HONEY from Bee Mercy
This is where I purchase our honey from
For budget reasons, when cooking/heating, I do not use raw honey as heating destroys the enzymes and causes rapid degradation. I use raw honey on GAPS breads/toasts and for spreading on GAPS fruit loaves.

Click here - Aalgo Organic Seaweed Powder 1kg
Aalgo Organic Seaweed Powder can be used in many ways to heal the skin, assist with joint pain or work to fight stress.
Add Aalgo to your bath for Eczema or Psoriasis and see immediate relief from itch and irritation. Use Aalgo daily to maintain calm skin and see a reduction in redness and blotching, resulting in clear skin over a matter of weeks.
Mix Aalgo to a paste for a facial in combating acne, spots, or to simply deep-cleanse. Seaweed works as an antioxidant proving its anti-aging properties.
Soak in an Aalgo bath as a Thalasso therapy treatment. Lie back and relax and enjoy a decrease in stress.
Aalgo works for all the family, as it contains 100% Organic Seaweed it can be used in baby and children's baths ensuring healthy skin for all the family.